If a guy asks you what your bra size is, there’s a good chance you’re going to be caught off guard.
It could come up naturally in conversation if the guy is your boyfriend, but if it’s a guy friend or someone you’ve just started dating who’s asking it can be super awkward.
So, how are you meant to reply?
Depending on what your relationship is with the guy and why he’s asking you might want to say something funny, flirty, or even stand-offish.
Keep reading to find out if you should tell a guy your bra size and see some examples of the best ways to reply!
Should You Tell A Guy Your Bra Size?
Whether you should tell a guy your bra size depends on two things, what your relationship is with him and why he’s asking.
Are you comfortable with him knowing something so personal about you? Is he going to tell anyone else? Could he use it against you in any way?
If he’s a close friend
If he’s your close or best friend, there may come a time when he asks your bra size.
It’s completely up to you to whether you want him to know.
If you have an open relationship and you know you can trust him, you might have no problem telling him your bra size.
However, if you feel like the friendship hasn’t gotten to the point where you’d be comfortable with him knowing that about you, it’s perfectly fine to let him know you don’t want to tell him.
If he’s a guy you’ve just started dating
When you begin a new relationship with someone, you spend the first few months getting to know each other.
The topic of bra size may come up in your conversations as you begin to discuss different parts of your lives.
If it does, and you feel like your connection is deepening, you may feel comfortable telling him your bra size.
If not, it’s ok to say that it’s too soon in the relationship for him to know such a personal detail, and you’d rather wait a while before telling him.
If he’s your boyfriend
Chances are, if he is your boyfriend, the relationship has reached a deeper level and you are more relaxed around each other.
Understandably, your boyfriend might be curious about your bra size just because he’s interested, or because he wants to feel like he knows you better than anyone else.
While most people would be ok telling their boyfriend their bra size, if it’s something you’re insecure about, or you haven’t been together that long, you might not want to share such a personal piece of information.
It’s completely your choice whether to tell him or not, but if you don’t want to you should let him know why. Being vulnerable and telling him about your insecurities or doubts will help to strengthen your relationship in the long run.
Why Is He Asking Your Bra Size?
A large part of choosing to tell a guy your bra size is his reason for asking.
Knowing why he wants to know can change your decision on whether or not you tell him and can either put you at ease or make you wary of his motives.
Here are a few typical reasons guys may ask about your bra size and some ways to respond.
It came up in conversation
If you are having a conversation with a guy and the topic of bras and bra sizes comes up, he may ask you what yours is.
Guys are curious, and for those who have not had much experience with girls, they may have a genuine and innocent curiosity about your bra size.
If you feel like he’s asking for this reason and you don’t mind him knowing, then it’s completely fine to tell him your bra size.
He wants to tell his friends
If the guy has a reputation for spreading gossip, then it’s a good idea to think before telling him your bra size.
If you suspect he’ll share the information with his friends and you don’t want it to become public knowledge, you may not want to tell him.
Remember, once your personal information is out there, you can’t take it back. Don’t say something you’ll regret later.
He wants to buy you a gift
Sometimes a guy might ask you your bra size because he wants to buy you a gift.
If you feel like this is appropriate, then telling him will make things a lot easier for him and benefit you. If you know and trust him, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
However, if you’re still not comfortable telling him, you could always suggest a different gift.
Ways To Respond When A Guy Asks Your Bra Size
Knowing how to respond when a guy asks your bra size depends on your relationship with him, why he’s asking, and what you want going forward.
Here are the best ways to reply, whether you want to be funny, flirty, or serious.
Funny Replies
“About the size of a _______” (choose a fruit that corresponds to your bra size)
“Big enough to make my back hurt!”
“It’s not the size of the bra that matters, but the quality of what’s inside”
Flirty Replies
“If you’re lucky, you’ll find out 😉”
“About two handfuls by the look of it”
“Why don’t you come over here and find out? x”
Serious Replies
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate question.”
“I don’t feel comfortable answering that”
“It’s none of your business.”
Knowing how to respond when a guy asks your bra size can seem intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be.
Begin by assessing your relationship with him, whether he’s a close friend, a guy you’ve just started dating, or your boyfriend.
From there, you can figure out why he’s asking.
Once you know why, you can decide how you want to respond, either in a funny, flirty, or serious way.
Now you don’t have to worry about being caught off guard the next time a guy asks your bra size.
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